Cool Climate – Warm Climate
Countries farthest from the equator are said to be cool climate, wine growing regions and those closer to the equator are warm climate.
Germany and New Zealand are considered as cool climate region. Each of this region received enough sunshine to ripen the grapes, cooler temperatures keep acid levels in the grapes up. As a result the wines are lighter bodied, crisper ...and less intense than warmer climates.
The South of France and Barossa Valley in Australia are example of warm climate region. Higher temperatures mean riper grapes, but by the time the flavors are at the peak, acid levels in the grapes may have dropped too low, resulting in higher alcohol wines.
Countries farthest from the equator are said to be cool climate, wine growing regions and those closer to the equator are warm climate.
Germany and New Zealand are considered as cool climate region. Each of this region received enough sunshine to ripen the grapes, cooler temperatures keep acid levels in the grapes up. As a result the wines are lighter bodied, crisper ...and less intense than warmer climates.
The South of France and Barossa Valley in Australia are example of warm climate region. Higher temperatures mean riper grapes, but by the time the flavors are at the peak, acid levels in the grapes may have dropped too low, resulting in higher alcohol wines.
The Top 3 White Grapes
The Top 4 Red Grapes
Wine is a beverage made from fermented grape juice. Fermentation is how grape juice is converted into wine. Typically the Winemaker added yeast to the juice, which reacts with the natural sugars in the grapes to produce alcohol. The ripeness of grapes determines their sugar content, which in turn determines the potential alcohol content of the finished wine. Generally speaking, the riper the grape...s, the higher the alcohol content. There is a limit, however, as most yeasts die off when the alcohol level reaches about 16%. This is why you will never see a table wine stronger than 16%. If the grapes don’t ripen enough, some countries or regions allow sugar to be added to the grape juice to boost alcohol levels in the finished wine, which we call this process as “ Chaptalization ”. Remember, no sugar is added to the finished wine itself to make it sweeter. A typical bottle of table wine is made up of 84% water, 12% alcohol and 4% natural compound that include vitamins, minerals, sugars, and acids that are very important to the taste, smell, and texture of the wine.
酒可以从数百种不同的水果和植物(曾经有过蒲公英酒), 但我们现在先集中的类型是由葡萄酿制的葡萄酒。葡萄酒是 由葡萄原汁发酵制成的,那么葡萄汁是如何发酵转换成葡萄 酒呢?
在通常的情况下酿酒师都会加如酵母入葡萄汁内,与葡萄本 身的天然糖份,让葡萄汁产生酒精。葡萄的成熟度决定了它 们本身的含糖量,同时也决定了葡萄酒成品的酒精含量成分 。一般来说,比较成熟的葡萄它的酒精含量越高,但它本身 酒精也有一个限制。
当酒精浓度达到16%左右后,酵母就会在葡萄酒内停止活 动,这就是为什么你不会在市场上看到葡萄酒的酒精超出1 6%。
而当葡萄不足够成熟时,一些国家或是地区允许将糖加入葡 萄汁内以提高成品的酒精浓度,我们把这个过程称之为“C haptalization”。
切记,没有任何葡萄酒会在酿成后添加糖份使葡萄酒变甜。 当然有些天然的葡萄糖因为发酵时没完全消耗,剩余的糖份 会使葡萄酒口感微甜。此情况于白葡萄酒为居多,但是甜度 几乎无法察觉。
一支葡萄酒是由84%的水,12%的酒精和4%的天然化 合物,包含着维生素,矿物质,糖份,酸度 。这些都是影响葡萄酒气味,味道和口感的重要因素。
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